Thursday, April 27, 2023

Age of AI (Blog Post #10)

The video titled “In the Age of AI” shed light on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The video presented the idea that AI and ML are becoming increasingly complex, and this complexity has both positive and negative outcomes that will impact our society in ways that are nearly unfathomable. 

One of the things I learned from the video is that AI and ML are already being used in a variety of industries, from healthcare to finance. They are helping to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in many different fields. This is a positive aspect of the increasing complexity of AI and ML because it can lead to many benefits for society.

However, there were also some things that surprised and frightened me. For example, the video discussed how AI and ML are being used to develop autonomous weapons. This raises concerns about the potential for these weapons to cause harm without human oversight or control. Another concern is the potential for AI and ML to be used to create fake news or to manipulate people's opinions and behaviors.

In terms of privacy, there are both pros and cons to the increasing complexity of AI and ML. On the one hand, these technologies can be used to improve security and protect people's personal information. For example, AI and ML can be used to detect fraud or identify potential security threats. This article  by goes into further detail on this topic and mentions that because of these security threats; European union lawmakers are considering regulating AI services such as ChatGPt. On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to invade people's privacy. For example, facial recognition technology could be used to track people's movements or identify them without their consent.

National security is another important consideration when it comes to AI and ML. On the one hand, these technologies can be used to improve national security by detecting threats and preventing attacks. However, there are concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to develop autonomous weapons or to engage in cyber warfare.

Finally, online security and identity theft are also important considerations when it comes to AI and ML. While these technologies can be used to improve security and protect against cyber attacks, there are also concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to steal people's identities or to engage in cyber espionage.

In conclusion, the increasing complexity of AI and ML has both positive and negative implications for society. While these technologies have the potential to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity, they also raise concerns about privacy, national security, and online security. It is important for us to continue to explore these issues and to find ways to balance the benefits of these technologies with the potential risks.


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