Thursday, March 2, 2023

My 5 News Sources (Blog Post #1)

 BBC News

The BBC is one of the most well respected and widely recognized news sources in the world. I have always been a fan of their news
broadcasts because they have a long history of providing impartial and objective coverage, and its reporters are widely respected for their professionalism and dedication to accuracy. I remember back when I lived in Jersey my dad would have the BBC on almost all mornings. The BBC is funded by the British government, which allows it to remain independent from any commercial pressures. This means that its reporters are free to pursue stories without fear of censorship or editorial interference, which is essential for credible journalism.

The New York Times

The New York Times is one of the oldest and most well respected newspapers in the entire United States. It has won countless Pulitzer Prizes for its reporting, which is widely acknowledged for its depth and accuracy. I am a big fan of The Times because I believe that it has a formidable reputation for impartial reporting, and I would recommend this source of news to others because its journalists are known for their investigative skills and dedication to the truth. The newspaper's editorial board is also widely respected for its balanced analysis and informed opinions which makes me think more highly of this news outlet.


 CNN (Cable News Network) is a global news network that provides 24-hour intensive coverage of world events. I have always respected this news source because of how it has reporters in almost every country, and its coverage is frequently cited for being impartial and objective. I have also always been a fan of the following CNN reporters and journalists: Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, and Don Lemon. I would recommend CNN to people who are looking for news networks to follow because CNN's journalists are very well respected for their professionalism and dedication to accurate reporting, and the network has a reputation for being one of the most reliable sources of news in the United States.


MSNBC is a credible news network that I have watched on and off for a few years, that provides coverage of world events, with a particular focus on the United States. I am a big fan of this network and how it has in-depth reporting, and I would recommend this news source to someone else because of how its journalists are often recognized for their expertise in specific areas, such as politics or business. MSNBC's coverage of major events, such as elections or natural disasters, is widely cited for being objective and informative. The reason I added this news network to my list is because it is one of the most non-biased modern news outlets today.

ABC News

ABC News is a news division of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and one of the largest broadcast television networks in the United States. I was always an avid consumer of this news network because I believe it effectively goes in-depth on both domestic and international news, and I recommend this news source to other people because its journalists are respected for their accuracy and impartiality. Additionally, the network has won numerous awards for its coverage of major events, such as the 9/11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina. ABC News is committed to providing objective reporting that is grounded in fact and free from editorial bias.

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