Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Supreme Court (Blog Post #3)


After reading the article titled "Supreme Court" by History.com, I was able to learn a lot of new information about the Supreme Court of the United States. Despite having some general knowledge about the Court, there were still many interesting and very surprising facts that I wasn't aware of.

One of the most interesting things that I learned about the Supreme Court is that it was not always composed of nine justices. In fact, the number of justices on the Court has varied throughout history, with as few as six and as many as ten. However, in 1869, the Judiciary Act set the number at nine, which is the number that we still have today. I also learned that justices are not required to have a law degree, although most of them do. This was surprising to me because I always assumed that a law degree was a prerequisite for serving on the Court.

Another fascinating fact that I learned is that the Supreme Court has a very crucial role in interpreting the Constitution. The Court's decisions can have a major impact on American society, and they are often controversial. For example, the landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 helped to end racial segregation in public schools. I was aware that the Supreme Court had this role, but the article helped to emphasize just how significant it is.

The most important take-away point from this specific article is that the Supreme Court is a vital institution in American democracy. The decisions that it generates can have a massive impact on American society, and its justices are some of the most powerful individuals in the country. The Court serves as a massively important check on the power of the other branches of government, and it helps to ensure that our democracy operates properly. Additionally, the article highlighted the significance of understanding the history and evolution of the Court, which can help deepen our understanding of its current role in American society.

The most surprising thing that I learned is that the Supreme Court has its own police force, known as the Supreme Court Police. This was something that I had never heard of before, and it was interesting to learn about the unique responsibilities of this organization. The Supreme Court Police are responsible for protecting the justices, as well as ensuring the security of the building and its visitors.

Overall, this article helped to change my perception of the Supreme Court in many different ways. While I was aware of the Court's crucial role in interpreting the Constitution, I did not fully appreciate just how significant its decisions can be. The article helped to truly emphasize the Court's power and influence, as well as its unique place in American democracy. I now have a greater appreciation for the history, and evolution of the Court, and I understand why it is such an important institution in American society.

In conclusion, the "Supreme Court Facts" article by History.com was both informative, and engaging. It helped me to learn a lot of new information about the Supreme Court, and it emphasized the Court's crucial role in American democracy. The most important take-away point is that the Court serves as a vital check on the power of the other branches of government, and its decisions can have a profound impact on American society. The most surprising thing that I learned is that the Court has its own police force, which was something that I had never heard of before. Overall, this article helped to change my perception of the Supreme Court, and I now have a greater appreciation for its importance in American society.

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