Thursday, April 27, 2023

My Relationship With Technology (Final Blog Post)

 As a college student who doesn't post on social media very often, my relationship with technology is a bit different than most. I use technology every day for schoolwork, research, and communication with friends and family, but I don't rely on it as heavily for entertainment or socializing.

When it comes to my friends and family, I think technology is both a positive and negative influence on their lives. On the one hand, it allows us to stay connected even when we're far apart, and it makes it easier to share information and experiences. However, I also see a lot of people getting sucked into social media and spending hours scrolling through their feeds without really engaging with the world around them. It's a double-edged sword, and I think it's important to find a balance between using technology to connect with others and disconnecting to be present in the moment.

In terms of my own relationships, technology plays a big role in how I stay connected with friends and family who live far away. We text, call, and video chat regularly, and it's nice to be able to share pictures and updates with each other easily. However, I also try to make an effort to disconnect when I'm spending time with people in person. I think it's important to be present and engaged with the people around you, rather than constantly checking your phone or getting distracted by notifications.

As for my online footprint, it's pretty small. I don't post on social media very often, and when I do, it's usually just a picture or a quick update. I'm not really concerned about having a large online presence, as I prefer to keep my personal life private. However, I am aware that if I were to apply for a job, the first thing a prospective employer would do is search for me online.

Overall, I think it's important to be mindful of your online presence and to think about how you want to present yourself to the world. It's easy to forget that everything you post online is public and can be accessed by anyone, including potential employers. While social media can be a great way to connect with others and share your life, it's also important to be careful about what you share and how you share it.

In the video "What Happens to Your Digital Life When You Die?" by CNBC, it's discussed how technology has changed the way we think about death and legacy. With so much of our lives now online, it's important to think about what will happen to our digital footprint when we're gone. This is something that I had never really thought about before, but it's a sobering reminder that everything we do online will be there forever.

In the video "How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind," former Google employee Tristan Harris discusses the ways in which technology is designed to be addictive and keep us hooked. He talks about how social media and other apps are designed to keep us scrolling and clicking, even when we don't really want to. This video was eye-opening for me, as it made me realize just how much of our lives are influenced by technology and how important it is to be mindful of our usage.

EOTO Presentation Response Part 2 (Blog Post #11)

The EOTO  presentation that stood out the most to me was the presentation that covered the concept of confirmation bias. I was struck by how this phenomenon affects all of us in ways we may not even realize. The presentation truly excelled in explaining what confirmation bias is and how it can impact our decision-making and beliefs.

Confirmation bias refers to the tendency we have to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms our preexisting beliefs and biases. Furthermore, this article  by defines confirmation bias as the concept that “describes our underlying tendency to notice, focus on, and give greater credence to evidence that fits with our existing beliefs”.Essentially, we filter information through a lens that is already colored by our own beliefs, values, and experiences, and we are more likely to accept information that supports those beliefs and dismiss information that contradicts them.

One of the major basic facts about confirmation bias that was emphasized in the presentation is that it is a cognitive bias that affects everyone to some degree. We all have certain beliefs and biases that we hold, and we are more likely to accept information that confirms those beliefs and reject information that challenges them.

Another key point that was made in the presentation is that confirmation bias can lead to serious errors in judgment and decision-making. When we only seek out information that confirms our beliefs, we may miss important facts or perspectives that could lead us to make better decisions. This can be particularly dangerous in fields like science or medicine, where making decisions based on incomplete or biased information can have serious consequences.

The presentation also touched on some of the underlying psychological factors that contribute to confirmation bias. For example, people may be more likely to seek out information that confirms their beliefs because it makes them feel good about themselves and their decisions. Additionally, people may be more likely to dismiss information that contradicts their beliefs because it feels threatening or uncomfortable.

One thing that really stood out to me during the presentation was the idea that confirmation bias can be insidious and difficult to detect. We may not even realize that we are engaging in confirmation bias because it can be so subtle and ingrained in our thinking patterns.

Overall, the presentation on confirmation bias was eye-opening and informative. I learned a lot about this important concept and how it can affect our decision-making and beliefs. The presenter did an excellent job of explaining the basics of confirmation bias and providing examples that helped to illustrate the concept in a clear and concise way.

Moving forward, I will be more mindful of my own biases and be sure to seek out diverse perspectives and information that may challenge my preexisting beliefs. By doing so, I can become a better critical thinker and make more informed decisions.


Age of AI (Blog Post #10)

The video titled “In the Age of AI” shed light on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The video presented the idea that AI and ML are becoming increasingly complex, and this complexity has both positive and negative outcomes that will impact our society in ways that are nearly unfathomable. 

One of the things I learned from the video is that AI and ML are already being used in a variety of industries, from healthcare to finance. They are helping to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in many different fields. This is a positive aspect of the increasing complexity of AI and ML because it can lead to many benefits for society.

However, there were also some things that surprised and frightened me. For example, the video discussed how AI and ML are being used to develop autonomous weapons. This raises concerns about the potential for these weapons to cause harm without human oversight or control. Another concern is the potential for AI and ML to be used to create fake news or to manipulate people's opinions and behaviors.

In terms of privacy, there are both pros and cons to the increasing complexity of AI and ML. On the one hand, these technologies can be used to improve security and protect people's personal information. For example, AI and ML can be used to detect fraud or identify potential security threats. This article  by goes into further detail on this topic and mentions that because of these security threats; European union lawmakers are considering regulating AI services such as ChatGPt. On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to invade people's privacy. For example, facial recognition technology could be used to track people's movements or identify them without their consent.

National security is another important consideration when it comes to AI and ML. On the one hand, these technologies can be used to improve national security by detecting threats and preventing attacks. However, there are concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to develop autonomous weapons or to engage in cyber warfare.

Finally, online security and identity theft are also important considerations when it comes to AI and ML. While these technologies can be used to improve security and protect against cyber attacks, there are also concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to steal people's identities or to engage in cyber espionage.

In conclusion, the increasing complexity of AI and ML has both positive and negative implications for society. While these technologies have the potential to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity, they also raise concerns about privacy, national security, and online security. It is important for us to continue to explore these issues and to find ways to balance the benefits of these technologies with the potential risks.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Alternative Media (Blog Post #9)

Alternative media is defined by this article ( as "any type of media that is not under the control of a business operation or syndicate or a government agency." However alternative media is more commonly known as a form of media that is produced and distributed by individuals or groups outside of traditional media outlets. This can include independent newspapers, blogs, podcasts, social media platforms, and other digital media. While alternative media has existed for decades, it has become increasingly prevalent in recent years due to advancements in technology and the internet.

The implications of alternative media are significant, as it provides a platform for individuals and groups to express their views and perspectives that may not be represented in mainstream media. This can include marginalized groups such as people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those with disabilities, whose stories and experiences may not be covered by traditional media outlets.

Alternative media can also provide a counterbalance to the dominant narratives portrayed in mainstream media, which can be influenced by corporate interests or political biases. By providing an alternative perspective, alternative media can challenge the status quo and promote critical thinking and awareness among audiences.

The effects of alternative media on society as a whole can be both positive and negative. On one hand, it can provide a voice to marginalized communities and help promote social justice and equity. It can also foster a sense of community among those who share similar views and beliefs, which can lead to increased civic engagement and activism.

However, alternative media can also perpetuate misinformation and propaganda, as there is often little oversight or regulation. This can lead to the spread of conspiracy theories and other harmful beliefs that can undermine public trust in established institutions and democracy as a whole.

The effects of alternative media can also vary depending on demographic factors such as age, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. For example, younger generations may be more likely to consume alternative media due to their familiarity with digital platforms and their desire for more diverse perspectives. On the other hand, older generations may be less likely to consume alternative media, as they may prefer traditional forms of media such as print newspapers and broadcast television.

In terms of socioeconomic status, alternative media may be more accessible to individuals who lack the resources to access traditional media, such as expensive cable or satellite TV subscriptions. This can lead to a greater diversity of voices and perspectives being represented in alternative media, as those who may not have access to traditional media outlets are able to share their stories and experiences.

However, it is important to note that access to technology and the internet can also be a barrier to entry for some individuals, particularly those who are low-income or living in rural areas with limited broadband access.

The effects of alternative media can also be influenced by factors such as gender and sexual orientation. For example, alternative media can provide a platform for feminist and LGBTQ+ voices, which may be underrepresented in traditional media. This can lead to increased visibility and awareness for these communities, as well as a greater sense of community and support among individuals who share similar experiences.

In terms of personal effects, alternative media can have a significant impact on individuals and their social circles. For example, alternative media may challenge previously held beliefs or opinions, leading to increased critical thinking and awareness. It may also provide a platform for individuals to share their own experiences and perspectives, leading to increased self-expression and empowerment.

However, alternative media can also lead to polarization and division among social groups, particularly if individuals are only consuming media that reinforces their existing beliefs and values. This can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding among individuals who hold different perspectives, and can further entrench existing social divides.

In conclusion, alternative media has significant implications for individuals, communities, and society as a whole. While it can provide a platform for marginalized voices and challenge dominant narratives, it can also perpetuate misinformation and division. When consuming alternative media, it is important to be mindful of potential biases and misinformation, and to seek out diverse perspectives in order to promote critical thinking and empathy.

Diffusion Theory (Blog Post #8)


In recent years, the innovation of virtual reality (VR) technology has garnered significant attention and adoption. Through the lens of the Diffusion Theory, we can analyze the reasons behind its success and the factors that affect its adoption.

The Diffusion Theory suggests that the adoption of a new technology is influenced by five factors: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. VR technology has been successful in gaining popularity due to its high relative advantage. Compared to traditional media and communication tools, VR offers a more immersive and engaging experience, which has significant benefits in industries such as entertainment, gaming, education, and training.

Early adopters of VR technology are typically enthusiasts and innovators who are passionate about technology and enjoy experimenting with new gadgets. They are typically early adopters because they see the potential in the technology and want to be the first to experience it. As VR technology has gained more attention, more people have become early adopters, further fueling its growth.

Late adopters, on the other hand, tend to be more risk-averse and prefer to wait until a technology has been thoroughly tested and proven before adopting it. Additionally, the complexity of VR technology can also be a barrier for some individuals, as it requires specific hardware and software to operate.

One of the downsides of VR technology is that it can be expensive, which may discourage some individuals from adopting it. This article from makes it clear that prolonged use of VR can cause physical discomfort, such as motion sickness and eye strain. Furthermore, concerns around privacy and data protection have been raised with the use of VR technology, as it requires access to personal information for an immersive experience.

As for my personal experience, I choose not to use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram due to concerns around privacy and the negative impact on mental health. While these platforms offer benefits such as connecting with friends and family, sharing experiences, and accessing news and information, the cost-benefit analysis for me did not outweigh the negative impact.

When weighing the cost-benefit analysis of a new communication technology, it is important to consider the potential benefits and downsides. While VR technology offers an immersive and engaging experience, it is important to be mindful of the potential physical and psychological risks, as well as the cost of adoption.

In conclusion, VR technology has become successful due to its high relative advantage and early adopters who see the potential in the technology. However, the complexity and cost of adoption may discourage some individuals from adopting it. When considering the adoption of new communication technology, it is important to weigh the potential benefits and downsides, and make an informed decision that aligns with individual preferences and values.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

EOTO Presentation Response (Blog Post #7)

Out of all the EOTO presentations that were given, I found the invention of the pencil presentation most fascinating. The presentation was informative and engaging, and I learned a lot about the history and impact of this simple writing tool.

One of the most interesting things I learned was that the modern-day pencil was invented by Nicholas-Jacques Conte in 1795. Conte was a French artist and scientist who was looking for a better way to draw and sketch. He developed a method of mixing graphite with clay and firing it in a kiln to create a pencil that was harder and more durable than previous versions.

Another fascinating fact I learned was that the first pencil company was called Banks, Son & Co. It was founded in 1795, the same year that Conte invented the modern-day pencil. The company was based in London and quickly became successful, producing thousands of pencils every day.

The presentation also discussed the impact of the pencil on society. Before the pencil, people had to use quill pens, which were expensive and difficult to use. The pencil was a cheaper and more convenient alternative that changed the way the common person communicated. It allowed people to write more quickly and easily, which made writing and communication more accessible to everyone.

However, the presentation also touched on the negative environmental impact of the pencil. Pencils are made from wood, and the demand for pencils has led to deforestation in many areas. Additionally, the manufacturing process for pencils uses a significant amount of energy and resources.

Overall, I was impressed by the presentation and the amount of research that went into it. I learned a lot about the history and impact of the pencil, and it made me appreciate this simple writing tool even more. It is amazing to think that something as small as a pencil could have such a significant impact on society and the way we communicate.

In conclusion, the invention of the pencil by Nicholas-Jacques Conte in 1795 has had a significant impact on society. It provided a cheaper and more convenient alternative for writing and communication, and it changed the way the common person communicated. However, we must also be mindful of the negative environmental impact of the pencil and work towards more sustainable alternatives. The pencil may seem like a simple tool, but its history and impact are worth learning about.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Anti-war Policies And Dissent In Media (Blog Post #6)

In today's society, it's not uncommon to find yourself searching through obscure websites to hear strong antiwar voices. But why is that the case? The answer lies in the way mainstream media often operates.

The mainstream media is often owned by large corporations that have a vested interest in supporting the government's agenda. This means that they are unlikely to give a platform to voices that are critical of the government's foreign policy, especially when it comes to war. As a result, it's become increasingly difficult to hear voices that challenge the status quo.

This is where obscure websites come in. These websites are often run by individuals or small groups who are not beholden to corporate interests. They are free to express their opinions without fear of reprisal from their bosses or advertisers. As a result, they are often a great source for strong antiwar voices.

The role of dissent in a democracy cannot be overstated. It is through dissent that we are able to challenge the status quo and hold our leaders accountable. Without dissent, our democracy would be little more than a dictatorship. The right to dissent is enshrined in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects freedom of speech and the press.

The First Amendment plays a crucial role in protecting dissent, especially when it comes to war. In times of war, the government often tries to suppress dissent in the name of national security. However, the First Amendment ensures that we have the right to speak out against war, even if the government doesn't want us to. This article by provides further insight into this concept by stating that "The government cannot tell protesters what to say or how to say it but it can regulate the time, place, and manner of that expression." 

In conclusion, the reason we often have to seek out obscure websites to hear strong antiwar voices is because the mainstream media is often owned by large corporations that have a vested interest in supporting the government's agenda. However, the First Amendment protects our right to dissent, even in times of war. We must continue to exercise that right and seek out voices that challenge the status quo, even if it means searching through obscure websites.

Facebook's History and Impact (Blog Post #5)

On February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room. Originally created as a way for students to connect with each other, Facebook has grown to become one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. According to, "Today, Facebook has over 2.8 billion monthly active users and has had a profound impact on the way we communicate and interact with each other." Despite controversies surrounding privacy and misinformation, Facebook remains a significant player in the digital landscape.

Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, and is one of the most influential social media platforms in the world today. This article by explains that the day after Facebook’s initial launch it had already garnered 1,000 users, which was only the beginning for the platform.The initial idea behind the platform was to connect people online, starting with students at Harvard, and eventually expanding to the general public. Facebook was designed to revolutionize communication by enabling users to share multimedia content with friends and family in real-time. The platform has solved the problem of isolation that many people felt before the advent of social media, by connecting people from all over the world with others who share similar interests and passions. Facebook has also been a powerful tool for businesses, organizations, and public figures to communicate with their audiences effectively.

There are arguments from both schools of thought that debate if Facebook is a positive or negative resource for our society. One of the main arguments for why Facebook is positive for our society is highlighted in this article by when it says that Facebook is beneficial for us because it allows people to stay in touch with their relatives. Although there are countless platforms to communicate with your relatives, Facebook is a platform that is known by almost everyone in our modern day society and is even known by many of my elder relatives.

Facebook has also had a positive impact on society by solving the problem of isolation that many people felt before social media. By providing a platform for people to connect with others who share their interests and passions, Facebook has created a sense of community and belonging. People who may have felt disconnected from others in the pre-social media era now have a way to connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world.

However, Facebook has had its share of negative effects. One of the most significant criticisms of the platform is that it has been used to spread misinformation and hate speech. This article by CNN explains a 2020-2021 study on Facebook and misinformation that revealed that misinformation got six times more clicks on Facebook than posts containing news that is factual. Facebook has been accused of not doing enough to curb the spread of fake news and propaganda, which has had real-world consequences such as the spread of conspiracy theories, the undermining of democracy, and even violence.

Furthermore, Facebook's use of personal data has raised concerns about privacy and security, which has been a large theme that has been discussed in our class so far. The platform collects vast amounts of data on its users, including their location, browsing history, and personal preferences. This data has been used for targeted advertising, which some people find intrusive and unsettling.

In conclusion; despite its flaws, Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.7 billion active users. Its impact on society has been profound, changing the way people communicate, connect, and consume information. Facebook has its upsides, such as connecting people and creating a sense of community, but it also has its downsides, such as spreading misinformation and concerns about privacy and security. The future of Facebook and social media, in general, is uncertain, but its impact on society will continue to be felt for years to come.

Eight Values Of Free Expression (Blog Post #4)


 Free expression is one of the fundamental values that underpin democratic societies. It ensures that individuals can express their opinions without fear of censorship or persecution. In addition to being a fundamental right, free expression is critical to promoting a healthy, diverse, and vibrant society. There are several values associated with free expression that we have gone over in class, including the marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and lastly protect dissent.

The marketplace of ideas is a critical component of a healthy intellectual environment. In a democratic society, everyone should be free to express their ideas and opinions without fear of censorship or persecution. The marketplace of ideas ensures that the best ideas are able to rise to the top, and that new and innovative ideas are given a chance to be heard. By encouraging the free exchange of ideas, the marketplace of ideas helps to promote diversity, innovation, and creativity. One of the most important things I read in this article by is when it mentions how the concept of a superior product selling more units than the other product is directly related to this specific value of free expression.

Participation in self-government is another critical value associated with free expression. In a democratic society, citizens have the right and responsibility to participate in the decision-making process. In order to do so effectively, citizens must be informed and knowledgeable about public issues. Free expression helps to ensure that citizens have access to a wide range of information and opinions, allowing them to make informed decisions and participate effectively in the democratic process.

Free expression also promotes stable change and individual self-fulfillment. The ability to express oneself freely is a necessary component of personal growth and self-fulfillment. Additionally, free expression allows for the peaceful exchange of ideas, which can help to promote stable change within society. By providing a space for individuals to express their views, free expression helps to ensure that new ideas and perspectives are given a fair hearing.

Perhaps one of the most important values associated with free expression is the check on governmental power. In a democratic society, it is essential to have a free and independent media that can hold governments accountable for their actions. The media plays a critical role in ensuring that governments are transparent and honest, and that citizens are informed about public issues. Without a free media, governments can become corrupt and authoritarian, and citizens may be left powerless to challenge their actions.

Promoting tolerance is another critical value associated with free expression that has been discussed in our class. In order for a diverse society to function effectively, it is essential that individuals are tolerant of one another's views and beliefs. I believe that this is the value that most resonates with me because I could honestly care less about someone's beliefs or values as long as they don't try to force them on me. Free expression helps to promote tolerance by allowing individuals to express their views and beliefs openly and honestly, without fear of persecution. By encouraging the free exchange of ideas, free expression helps to break down barriers between individuals and promote greater understanding and empathy.

Finally, free expression promotes innovation. By encouraging the free exchange of ideas, free expression helps to create an environment that is conducive to innovation and creativity. When individuals are free to express their ideas and opinions openly and honestly, new and innovative ideas can emerge, leading to greater progress and advancement.

In today's society, social media has brought new challenges to free expression. While it has given individuals a platform to express their opinions and participate in public discourse, it has also created new challenges that must be addressed. For example, social media can create echo chambers in which individuals are only exposed to ideas that confirm their existing beliefs. Additionally, as someone who uses social media on a daily basis, I have quickly discovered that it can often be a breeding ground for misinformation and polarization. It is essential to ensure that social media platforms promote the marketplace of ideas, rather than contributing to the spread of misinformation and polarization.

In conclusion, free expression has many critical values that must be protected and upheld. The marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent are all important values that help to promote a healthy, diverse, and vibrant society. It is essential to ensure that individuals are free to express themselves without fear of censorship or persecution, and that governments are held accountable for their actions.

My Relationship With Technology (Final Blog Post)

 As a college student who doesn't post on social media very often, my relationship with technology is a bit different than most. I use t...