Tuesday, April 11, 2023

EOTO Presentation Response (Blog Post #7)

Out of all the EOTO presentations that were given, I found the invention of the pencil presentation most fascinating. The presentation was informative and engaging, and I learned a lot about the history and impact of this simple writing tool.

One of the most interesting things I learned was that the modern-day pencil was invented by Nicholas-Jacques Conte in 1795. Conte was a French artist and scientist who was looking for a better way to draw and sketch. He developed a method of mixing graphite with clay and firing it in a kiln to create a pencil that was harder and more durable than previous versions.

Another fascinating fact I learned was that the first pencil company was called Banks, Son & Co. It was founded in 1795, the same year that Conte invented the modern-day pencil. The company was based in London and quickly became successful, producing thousands of pencils every day.

The presentation also discussed the impact of the pencil on society. Before the pencil, people had to use quill pens, which were expensive and difficult to use. The pencil was a cheaper and more convenient alternative that changed the way the common person communicated. It allowed people to write more quickly and easily, which made writing and communication more accessible to everyone.

However, the presentation also touched on the negative environmental impact of the pencil. Pencils are made from wood, and the demand for pencils has led to deforestation in many areas. Additionally, the manufacturing process for pencils uses a significant amount of energy and resources.

Overall, I was impressed by the presentation and the amount of research that went into it. I learned a lot about the history and impact of the pencil, and it made me appreciate this simple writing tool even more. It is amazing to think that something as small as a pencil could have such a significant impact on society and the way we communicate.

In conclusion, the invention of the pencil by Nicholas-Jacques Conte in 1795 has had a significant impact on society. It provided a cheaper and more convenient alternative for writing and communication, and it changed the way the common person communicated. However, we must also be mindful of the negative environmental impact of the pencil and work towards more sustainable alternatives. The pencil may seem like a simple tool, but its history and impact are worth learning about.

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