Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Supreme Court (Blog Post #3)


After reading the article titled "Supreme Court" by History.com, I was able to learn a lot of new information about the Supreme Court of the United States. Despite having some general knowledge about the Court, there were still many interesting and very surprising facts that I wasn't aware of.

One of the most interesting things that I learned about the Supreme Court is that it was not always composed of nine justices. In fact, the number of justices on the Court has varied throughout history, with as few as six and as many as ten. However, in 1869, the Judiciary Act set the number at nine, which is the number that we still have today. I also learned that justices are not required to have a law degree, although most of them do. This was surprising to me because I always assumed that a law degree was a prerequisite for serving on the Court.

Another fascinating fact that I learned is that the Supreme Court has a very crucial role in interpreting the Constitution. The Court's decisions can have a major impact on American society, and they are often controversial. For example, the landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 helped to end racial segregation in public schools. I was aware that the Supreme Court had this role, but the article helped to emphasize just how significant it is.

The most important take-away point from this specific article is that the Supreme Court is a vital institution in American democracy. The decisions that it generates can have a massive impact on American society, and its justices are some of the most powerful individuals in the country. The Court serves as a massively important check on the power of the other branches of government, and it helps to ensure that our democracy operates properly. Additionally, the article highlighted the significance of understanding the history and evolution of the Court, which can help deepen our understanding of its current role in American society.

The most surprising thing that I learned is that the Supreme Court has its own police force, known as the Supreme Court Police. This was something that I had never heard of before, and it was interesting to learn about the unique responsibilities of this organization. The Supreme Court Police are responsible for protecting the justices, as well as ensuring the security of the building and its visitors.

Overall, this article helped to change my perception of the Supreme Court in many different ways. While I was aware of the Court's crucial role in interpreting the Constitution, I did not fully appreciate just how significant its decisions can be. The article helped to truly emphasize the Court's power and influence, as well as its unique place in American democracy. I now have a greater appreciation for the history, and evolution of the Court, and I understand why it is such an important institution in American society.

In conclusion, the "Supreme Court Facts" article by History.com was both informative, and engaging. It helped me to learn a lot of new information about the Supreme Court, and it emphasized the Court's crucial role in American democracy. The most important take-away point is that the Court serves as a vital check on the power of the other branches of government, and its decisions can have a profound impact on American society. The most surprising thing that I learned is that the Court has its own police force, which was something that I had never heard of before. Overall, this article helped to change my perception of the Supreme Court, and I now have a greater appreciation for its importance in American society.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Privacy Issues (Blog Post #2)


 In the age of the internet and digital technology, online privacy has become a critical issue. Many people are now aware of the dangers of sharing personal information online and the potential consequences of having this information exposed. The TED Talks that were provided for this blog post highlight the challenges of maintaining privacy in today's digital world. 

Firstly, In "Your Online Life Permanent as a Tattoo," researcher Juan Enriquez highlights the permanence of our digital footprint and the potential consequences of this data being used against us. He argues that our personal data is an asset that we should own and control, and that governments and corporations must be held accountable for their use of this data. The issues raised in this TED Talk has affected someone I know because they posted a picture of them drinking online and they were refused multiple jobs as a result of this. https://www.ted.com/talks/juan_enriquez_your_online_life_permanent_as_a_tattoo

Secondly, In the TED Talk "The Small and Surprisingly Dangerous Detail the Police Track About You," speaker Catherine Crump discusses how seemingly insignificant details such as the location of our phone and our walking pace can be used by police to track us. She highlights the potential dangers of this kind of surveillance and the need for stronger privacy regulations to protect our personal data. The issues raised in this TED Talk affect me because I always have my location services turned on in my phone so it is susceptible to tracking. https://www.ted.com/talks/catherine_crump_the_small_and_surprisingly_dangerous_detail_the_police_track_about_you

Thirdly, In "How to Avoid Surveillance with the Phone in Your Pocket," cybersecurity expert Christopher Soghoian warns that our smartphones are a significant source of personal data that can be accessed by third parties, including governments and corporations. He emphasizes the importance of using privacy-enhancing tools such as encrypted messaging apps, VPNs, and secure web browsers to protect our personal data. The issues raised in this video affect me because I have got my instagram hacked in the past which shows that our privacy can be breached at any time. https://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_soghoian_how_to_avoid_surveillance_with_the_phone_in_your_pocket

Finally, in the TED Talk titled "How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down," journalist and activist Darieth Chisolm shares her own experience of being a victim of revenge porn and the devastating impact it had on her life. She advocates for more significant consequences for perpetrators of this crime and emphasizes the importance of supporting and empowering victims. https://www.ted.com/talks/darieth_chisolm_how_revenge_porn_turns_lives_upside_down

It is the government's responsibility to protect citizens from threats, and the threats to online privacy are no exception. The government must take steps to ensure that companies collecting personal data are held accountable for their actions and that they are transparent about what information they are collecting, how it is being used, and who it is being shared with. There should be more stringent regulations and guidelines for companies that deal with personal data, with severe consequences for those that violate them. Additionally, governments should also invest in better cybersecurity measures to prevent hackers from accessing personal information.

But, it's not just up to the government to protect our online privacy. As individuals, there are several steps we can take to safeguard our personal information. First and foremost, we should always be cautious about what we share online. It's crucial to limit the amount of personal information that we put out there, and we should always be mindful of who we share it with. We should also ensure that our online accounts are secure with strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication. It's also essential to stay informed about the latest privacy threats and take steps to protect ourselves from them.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

My 5 News Sources (Blog Post #1)

 BBC News

The BBC is one of the most well respected and widely recognized news sources in the world. I have always been a fan of their news
broadcasts because they have a long history of providing impartial and objective coverage, and its reporters are widely respected for their professionalism and dedication to accuracy. I remember back when I lived in Jersey my dad would have the BBC on almost all mornings. The BBC is funded by the British government, which allows it to remain independent from any commercial pressures. This means that its reporters are free to pursue stories without fear of censorship or editorial interference, which is essential for credible journalism.

The New York Times

The New York Times is one of the oldest and most well respected newspapers in the entire United States. It has won countless Pulitzer Prizes for its reporting, which is widely acknowledged for its depth and accuracy. I am a big fan of The Times because I believe that it has a formidable reputation for impartial reporting, and I would recommend this source of news to others because its journalists are known for their investigative skills and dedication to the truth. The newspaper's editorial board is also widely respected for its balanced analysis and informed opinions which makes me think more highly of this news outlet.


 CNN (Cable News Network) is a global news network that provides 24-hour intensive coverage of world events. I have always respected this news source because of how it has reporters in almost every country, and its coverage is frequently cited for being impartial and objective. I have also always been a fan of the following CNN reporters and journalists: Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, and Don Lemon. I would recommend CNN to people who are looking for news networks to follow because CNN's journalists are very well respected for their professionalism and dedication to accurate reporting, and the network has a reputation for being one of the most reliable sources of news in the United States.


MSNBC is a credible news network that I have watched on and off for a few years, that provides coverage of world events, with a particular focus on the United States. I am a big fan of this network and how it has in-depth reporting, and I would recommend this news source to someone else because of how its journalists are often recognized for their expertise in specific areas, such as politics or business. MSNBC's coverage of major events, such as elections or natural disasters, is widely cited for being objective and informative. The reason I added this news network to my list is because it is one of the most non-biased modern news outlets today.

ABC News

ABC News is a news division of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and one of the largest broadcast television networks in the United States. I was always an avid consumer of this news network because I believe it effectively goes in-depth on both domestic and international news, and I recommend this news source to other people because its journalists are respected for their accuracy and impartiality. Additionally, the network has won numerous awards for its coverage of major events, such as the 9/11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina. ABC News is committed to providing objective reporting that is grounded in fact and free from editorial bias.

My Relationship With Technology (Final Blog Post)

 As a college student who doesn't post on social media very often, my relationship with technology is a bit different than most. I use t...